Other investors may be looking for currency appreciation or deflation in goods prices to offset the nominal income shortfall. 其他投资者可能在指望货币升值或物价下跌,以抵消名义收益亏空。
Russia and Ukraine, cheap oil, volatile currency markets, deflation, terrorism and even Switzerland are unsettling the global economy and sowing nervousness among the people attending the forum, many of them bankers or investors. 俄乌关系、低油价、动荡的货币市场、通货紧缩、恐怖主义乃至瑞士都在扰乱全球经济,并在出席本次论坛的人们心中植入了不安。
Those economies where currency depreciation rather than internal price deflation is the accepted means of improving external competitiveness may be no better off at the end of the day. 其他经济体系若以货币贬值而非内部价格下调作为改善对外竞争力的方法,它们最终的情况可能不会得到多大改善。
Secondary expansion inflation of currency after a period of deflation; restore the system to a previous state. (使用时膨胀)二次膨胀在通货紧缩之后通货膨胀再次发生;使系统恢复到原先的状态。
The currency Policy Aim in Deflation Period: the Analysis of Steady Currency 通货紧缩时期的货币政策目标:关于稳定币值的分析
The relationship between currency values and inflation or deflation is equally strong in other countries. 其他国家中,货币价值与通货膨胀(或通货紧缩)之间的关系也同样密切。
Without alterations in consumption and saving, currency appreciation might create deflation, instead. 如果中国的消费和储蓄状况不变,那么人民币升值反而可能造成通缩。
That has created an economic downturn and the fact is that when you defend a currency the result would be asset price deflation, deflation in the value of land, homes, as well as the stock market. 事实上,要保持币值稳定,必会导致资产价格、土地价值、房屋价值和股票价格下降。
It is possible for a country with its own currency to combine reasonable growth with sustained deflation, soaring public debt and ultra-low short-and long-term interest rates for a very long time. 一个拥有独立货币的国家在相当长的时间内同时维持合理的增长、可持续的通缩水平、不断飙升的公众债务以及超低的短期和长期利率,这是有可能的。
Currency deflation often goes along with economic recession with a worse influence than inflation. 通货紧缩往往伴随有经济衰退,其对经济的影响可能比通货膨胀更严重。
In the first place, I analyze two abnormal exhibitions of currency state, i.e., inflation and deflation. And then, the influence of international capital flow on inflation and deflation is discussed. 首先对通货状况的两种异常表现形式&通货膨胀与通货紧缩进行分析,然后讨论国际资本流动对通货膨胀和通货紧缩的影响。
The summary of the interest rate adjustment's effection on the currency deflation condition 通货紧缩状态下利率调节作用的总结
Comparative Research on the Theory of Currency Deflation Conduction 通货紧缩传导理论的比较研究
In face of the pressure of currency deflation, our government will continue to apply the expansion macro-policy and the finance expenditure plays an important role in this action. 面对通货紧缩的压力,我国政府还将继续实施以财政政策为主导的扩张性宏观政策,其中财政支出起主要的宏观调控作用。
Currency deflation is in essence a kind of currency condition. 通货紧缩,从本质上说是一种货币现象。
In chapter 7, analyzing overseas currency deflation and monetary policy, I summarize the edification of how to with deflation. 它山之石,可以攻玉。文章的第七章在对国外通货紧缩进行分析,对国外货币政策进行研究的同时,总结出在治理通货紧缩中货币政策的种种启迪。
During the period of currency deflation, if there is only monetary quantity increase without accessory policy of encouraging public and private investments, or the deficiency of the force of quantity increase, then the economic increase will fall down. 在通货收缩时期,如果只有货币数量扩张,而没有鼓励公共或私人投资的配套政策,或者数量扩张的力度不够,经济增长率就可能下滑。
Currency Policy and Deflation 货币政策与通货紧缩
In the course of the periodical economic movements, the co existence of bad creditor's rights and currency deflation makes the currency policy in an awkward situation because the macroeconomic policies are not sufficiently supported by substantial micro environments. 在经济周期变动中,由于过去宏观经济政策缺乏微观运行基础,不良债权与通货紧缩并存状况,使货币政策无所适从。
The research of statistics relation between the efficiency demand and the currency deflation 走出治理通货紧缩的误区有效需求与通货紧缩的统计关系研究
To solve such problems as currency deflation and deficiency of effective demand, it is necessary to hinge in both a monetary policy and a fiscal policy. 解决影响我国经济发展的通货紧缩、有效需求不足等问题,既要运用货币政策,也要运用财政政策,单靠其中一项政策是不行的。
On The Monetary Policy Efficiently Administering Currency Deflation 论有效治理通货紧缩的货币政策
How to regulate the currency deflation in our country, the government always starts the economy by stimulating the demand, which is proved wrong. 在如何治理通货紧缩这一问题上,我国总是从刺激需求入手,来启动经济。
The Characters of Commercial Banks and Efficiency of Monetary Policy in the Transition Economy Currency Policy under Circumstances of Deflation 转轨经济中的商业银行特征与货币政策效率
EXTERNAL LASH AND CURRENCY DEFLATION Deflation analysis 外部冲击与通货紧缩&亚洲金融危机对我国通货紧缩的影响分析
Can Easy Money counter the Currency Deflation?& To discuss the decisive factors of China's money supple through the theory of completeness 放松银根就能反通货紧缩吗?&由货币供给的完整性理论模型谈中国目前货币供给的决定因素
Buyer's market, excess economy, inadequacy of effective demand, and currency deflation are insufficient to generalize Chinese macroeconomic situation. 用买方市场、过剩经济、有效需求不足和通货紧缩来概括我国的宏观经济形势都存在一定程度的欠缺。
The risks that international finance faces are credit risk, interest risk, currency deflation risk, currency inflation risk, exchange rate risk, financial derivatives risk and politics risk. 国际金融业的风险不仅是信用风险,还有利率风险、通货膨帐风险、通货紧缩的风险、汇率风险、金融衍生工具风险、政治风险等。
Currency Deflation, Asset Expansion and Monetary Policy 通货紧缩、资产膨胀与货币政策&兼论当前中国的货币总量和货币结构问题
Analysis of Our Nation's Economic Phenomena of Currency Deflation 我国通货紧缩问题浅析